You are Invited to a Profound Body/Mind/Spirit Healing Experience...

Sunday, November 5, from 4pm to 6pm

Our building's buzzer has changed - enter by buzzing "2D". 
If there is any problem with the new buzzer, call 212-674-6743.
The salon will begin at 4pm, so please arrive promptly.
As Sunday is Daylight Savings, a cellular device will have the accurate time.

Dear friends,
I would like you to experience a most beautiful healer, Sirriya Din, who has liberated me with a cutting-edge consciousness technique called Morphic Awakening. I am constantly moved to tears of gratitude as I experience greater and greater bliss. Join me so together we can experience the peace, joy and love that has been our birthright.....Helen

Together we can liberate ourselves and humanity from our history of suffering, limitation and victimhood, and leap into a radically new reality of living each second of our existence vibrantly and infinitely.

In addition to fun and miracles, you will learn a new method for clearing yourself and friends on all levels of being - body, mind and spirit....Sirriya Din
222 Park Avenue South, Apartment 2d, NW corner of 18th St. and Park Ave.S

RSVP to  Space will be limited, so I encourage you to respond promptly. Please share this invitation with any special friends of yours that you feel would benefit from this event.
