You're invited to experience a beautiful healer who has liberated me with a cutting-edge consciousness technique called Morphic Awakening.
How to Prevent our Sons from Becoming Sexual Predators
Helen Kramer Quoted in Reader's Digest - Ways to Remind Yourself That You’re Worthy
Helen Kramer Quoted in on Stress + Substance Abuse
Helen reminds us, though substances are used to temporarily alleviate underlying distress, they are not intrinsically capable of eliminating the problem, so they need to be repeated over and over again. This gives temporary relief, but the underlying discomfort only grows. And now there is an additional problem – the problem of addiction.
You are Invited to a Profound Body/Mind/Spirit Healing Experience...
I would like you to experience a most beautiful healer, Sirriya Din, who has liberated me with a cutting-edge consciousness technique called Morphic Awakening. I am constantly moved to tears of gratitude as I experience greater and greater bliss. Join me November 5th, so together we can experience the peace, joy and love that has been our birthright.....Helen
Let's Transform Stress Into Success
As we transition from summer into fall, we embrace a new season in our own lives. Let's transform the energy that goes into creating stress and create fulfillment and joy instead! I am enthusiastic about setting up my fall schedule and would love to support you in making this an exciting time of transition.
Eliminate Feelings of Shame, Embarassment and Awkwardness
Too often we give our power away and inadvertently, lose our sense of worthiness in the process. Our culture hasn’t been able to teach you what it means to be truly powerful. As a result, you may often feel diminished unnecessarily. That diminishment may take the form of feelings of awkwardness, embarrassment, shame or child by feelings of vulnerability. Our culture didn’t understand that it is every child’s birthright to feel unconditionally loved.
How to Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones
Rewire Your Brain and Attract More Love into Your Life
Oral Sex and the Male Dilemma
We all want to receive love and compassion, and romantically, “oral sex” is one way to experience these feelings. If we do not receive enough love early in life, we do not feel lovable, and we can become obsessed with behaviors that temporarily make us feel lovable. Please watch and share with others who may benefit from this insight. I am available in-person, on the phone or on Skype if you or anyone you love are struggling to maintain feelings of being lovable,
Breaking the Painful Cycle of Overeating
Every behavior has a positive intent, and when that intent isn’t realized it’s because we haven’t been given what we need to actualize your positive goal. Positive feelings that eating produced set off a chemical in your brain, dopamine, which is connected to the pleasure system in your brain. It takes energy to change and I want to teach you how to harness the energy you need to override this reflexive pattern of overeating.
Receiving Unconditional Love - A Meditation
I want to share with you an experience that has been transformative for me and countless numbers of friends and clients. When I received unconditional love everything in my life opened up and became richer and fuller. I became more loving and attracted more love into my life. This is what I would like for you to experience and that’s why made this video.
Attract and Sustain Loving Relationships
In our culture, we are conditioned to believe that if we didn’t get the unconditional love we deserved as children we can have a “do over” and get it in a romantic relationship. I believe that every behavior has a positive intent no matter what the outcome is. The positive intent in this hypnotic message was to give you the hope that you could feel lovable and worthy even if your parents didn’t create these feelings and you. Your parents didn’t have the ability to give you unconditional love because they didn’t have it either as is the case with the vast majority of the people you know.
How to Heal The Hidden Cause of Emotional Pain
Early in my career I observed that when people reacted unproductively it was because they were stressed, not because they were self-defeating or masochistic. I intuited that what was happening resulted from the fact that the brain can’t distinguish stress from danger. In order for our species to survive we developed a hair-trigger response to fear because for most of our time on the planet man did live in mortal danger. Your stress signals are hijacked and the signal goes to its primitive, fight or flight center, leaving you with the brainpower you had as a helpless vulnerable child. I called this "Emotional Dyslexia" because it is a physical problem in the brain like the learning disability dyslexia.
How to Enhance Your Self Esteem
There is no gene for self-esteem-your sense of worthiness is largely based on how you were treated when you were very young. If you had been given primarily loving, supportive messages you would have internalized those messages and that would be your self-talk now. If your self talk is negative then you may have been overtly criticized, or ignored or your opinions were diminished or you had a lot of trauma in your life. Your lack of self-esteem, your self- critical behavior is due to your conditioning and doesn’t reflect who you are at your core and how you want to be.
The Power of Compassion - The Most Important Tool for Empowerment
Our species has survived because we are able to feel compassion and empathy allowing us to support and care for one another. This is our true nature and I believe are a number of things that interfere with our living in harmony with this nature. The first interference is that we have a brain that is wired to have a hair-trigger response to fear. Because our brains haven’t evolved to tell the difference between stress and danger our stress signals are hijacked and sent to the fight/flight/freeze part of the brain were all our childhood memories and traumas are stored. We are then triggered into irrational fear responses which diminish our capacity for compassionate responses.
The Power of Compassion - Our True Nature
It is our true nature to be empathic and compassionate… We even have parts of our brain called empathy neurons that allow us to connect deeply to each other’s experience …These neurons evolved because as a species our survival is enhanced if we can take care of each other…Because our brain has not been able to distinguish stress from danger, frequently when we are stressed we are triggered into fear responses that interfere with our innate capacity to be caring and loving.
Taking the Stress Out of Stress
Did you know that your brain is wired to have a hair-trigger response to fear because that is the only way our species could survive? You probably didn’t learn that the brain can’t always distinguish between stress and danger. As a result, very often your stress signals are hijacked and sent to the fear centers in your brain. When this happens, you don’t have access to your higher cognitive abilities. You basically have the brainpower of a young infant or child. You have probably blamed yourself or been blamed for childlike or ineffective responses and I’m here to tell weren’t deliberately trying to self sabotage or cause yourself pain in any way. You’re not responsible for the way your brain evolved.
How to Transform Emotional Dyslexia and Become Empowered
My life and work have been devoted to helping myself and others transform any thoughts, behaviors and emotions that are causing pain or discomfort. Early in my career I was impressed with how motivated and well intentioned my clients were. And yet, I had seen so many people spend years in therapy without fulfilling their true desire to live a more fulfilled and liberated life. I never doubted that people’s intentions were pure and yet I could understand their frustration at not being able to attain or maintain desired changes. My approach to creating change is based on the belief that all living organisms have one innate desire and that is for growth. I have dedicated myself to both identifying and removing any interferences to this innate drive for mastery.
How to Achieve Wisdom and Overcome Faulty Learning
The second interference to full empowerment is what I call “faulty learning.” Stop and think for a moment. If this survival reflex is active in every person you meet? Your parents had it, so did your teachers and your politicians. Too often the adults in our lives and our culture as a whole gave us information that was distorted by a brain that was wired to react with fear. They were not able to give us the information and tools we needed because they were limited by their own fear-based reactions, causing much pain and suffering. The well-intentioned adults in our life did not mean for us to feel inadequate or ashamed. We had no way of knowing that many of our beliefs and our emotional reactions were the result of conditioning by important people in our lives who were themselves being triggered into fear responses.